Jett has won our hearts, he is a special dog and we love him fiercly. But boy, does he test our patience sometimes! It seems like we have a handle on his issues, then he goes through a total regression and/or develops another behavioural issue. No wonder Brittany gave up on him!
We have been making progress with his fear aggression towards people. It will take some time and he may never be a perfectly friendly dog to strangers, but I think we will get him to the point of tolerating new people.
Lots of punishment based training has been used on Jett, shock collars, isolation, vinegar spray to face.. those other trainers didn't get any results with Jett. Now we are using all positive methods and he is responding to it. With Jett's history, he has low confidence and lots of fears. If we continually reasure him he's not getting transplanted again and he's safe, I think he'll flourish.
We won't give up on you Jett!