Review Puppy Sense Dog Training
"0" Star Review of $4000 Dog Training from Brittany at Puppysense / Puppy Sense Tucson, Arizona
I would strongly discourage ANYONE from using the board/train from Brittany with Puppysense. Our dog came home with serious issues he didn't have before the training. In my opinion, NO dog should ever be treated this way, ever!
Hot topics on review:
-Traumatized in crate
-Eye damage due to overuse of vinegar spray
-EXTREME! Thirst due to highly unbalanced diet
-Trainer "Away" large percentage of time during dog's stay
- Brittany Advised it was "OK" to get a puppy with a "still" aggressive dog!!??
-Overall neglect and lack of training

-No improvement of fear aggression towards people
-NEW undesirable behavioral issues upon return
-Positives and Negatives of Training Experience
-Communication and Documentation, etc


Traumatized by Crate
After two months of being boarded and "trained" Jett should have loved his crate, right? WRONG. First time in crate after returning home, Jett wailed and clamped onto the crate with his teeth and pulled with all his might! OMG! What happened to make him SO desperate to get out??!!

It's pretty safe to say Jett was over- crated during his stay. Brittany wasn't on premises and/or out of state for a large portion of Jett's time. And, almost half of the weekends during Jetts stay Brittany was unavailable as well. Also, it's very possible he was mistreated in the crate, too. During a owner lesson, a video caught on tape some disturbing actions. I went to the restroom and Brittany started spraying Jett with straight vinegar to stop him whining.. I came back, she stopped, whining continued.
Non-effective and cruel.

Eye Damage Due to Over-use of STRAIGHT Vinegar In Face
TBTE system uses a spray bottle of straight vinegar in face, to stop aggression and vital training, but this trainer over used it for non-vital training, often.
Jett had continuous weeping eyes after his return. This has lasted for several months! I am 100% sure the vinegar is the cause. Once home, Jett got accidentally sprizt with vinegar, and the weeping immediately got worst. I threw away that bottle of vinegar!
Lazy Training methods coupled with this Inappropriate use of negative methods.
-Dog head and neck were saturated with vinegar witnessed upon each owner visit.
- over used vinegar spray for
teaching boundaries, crate training, treat bag robbing etc
---behaviors easily fixed by positive training. see page on how to re crate train your dog.

-AND used the SIGHT of vinegar bottle "welded like a weapon" to stop whining-- completely against the recommendations of TBTE punishment protocol… seen on owner training day.


!Extreme! Thirst due to Highly Unbalanced Diet
Jett came home and was drinking 8 times his normal amount of water! (yea,I measured it) This lasted for 3 weeks. When the Vet found no problems, I assumed Jett wasn't provided amble water during his stay with Brittany. However, I found out what this was: horribly unbalanced diet! After Jett's training period, the same problem arised again when a group of "strangers" came to our house to help us move. These intruders had Jett really worked up. I used the TBTE methods to relax him. Since the movers were there all day, I treated/trained him, all day. He ended up eating and entire 8 oz meat loaf, same brand Brittany uses. Once again, Jett had the same extreme thirst for the next few days.

Over use of these training methods were highly detrimental to Jett and not effective at all.


We were given high hopes Jett would be "fixed" and we could do dog sports with him.

This was sooo very exciting!! After hours of research, pricey equipment purchased, I then started thinking about getting a new dog to do fly ball with Jett. I asked our trainer if was ok to get a puppy...

We were told to "go for it"!

Jett returned home and was still aggressive towards people. It was a bit of a shock. The updates we were getting lead us to think Jett was way, way better.

NO ONE in their right mind would expose a puppy to an aggressive dog under the same roof. This behavior could imprint on a puppy. So, at the last minute, I backed out of the puppy.

More money lost due to inept training and very, very poor professional advise.

So after all that, at least your dog was better, right? WRONG AGAIN!!
The two months, and $4000++, with a "professional trainer" anyone would expect SOME improvement of his fear aggression with people, like: just barking, alertness, or retreating when he saw his first person. This was NOT the case! Within the hour of picking Jett up and leaving her home, he lunged and barked at the very first person he saw! They were over 60 feet away!!

This is
worst behavior than before he was "professionally trained"

Exactly WHAT, did I pay for?

Lack of training and Overall neglect
I have completed the TBTE (TRAINING BETWEEN THE EARS) online seminar, I can now accurately access our dog’s progress from Brittany / Puppysense who uses this system.

Jett shows introductory awareness of the system. This level of trained behavior could have been accomplished in a very short period of time. With the time that was allowed, 60 days, the dog showed no advance knowledge of the TBTE system.

-knows right “paw” and offers it like a cute trick, but offers left paw for any body part called. It’s questionable if other body parts were trained with any repetition.

-seemed to relax with “washing board” relaxation technique…
UPDATE: dog just knows what to do make it stop, doesn't really relax. We found another method that the dog actually liked and was relaxing.

– suggested e-collar training ?? What?? there was no word that current training was ineffective??

Physical/Miscare Issues:
-multiple deep scabs from unchecked dog play and undeclared healed injury to eye socket
-nails never cut in 2 months
-lost considerable amount of weight and muscle tone – 8 pounds approx. 20% of body weight.
-wasn’t fed prescription food -less than half of normal consumption
(from evidence presented, Jett's diet consisted of freeze dried meat loaf and vinegar)



NEW Undesirable Behavioral Issues Upon Return:
-incessant whining
-separation anxiety
-fence fighting
-destructive behavior in home


-was friendly and often responded to messages quickly- in beginning of training period.
-dog was clean upon pick up
-clearly and fluidly explained training, system of training “sounded good”
-additional training has been offered by trainer, but will be rejected due to trainer’s abilities to train and safely board dogs.

Negative- Trainer:
-quickly blamed client when told dog didn’t improve, as done with other client complaints.
-didn’t allow amazing opportunity to have expert and creator Mark McCabe to work Jett as requested
-Unavailable and/or out of town for large portion of training period

Communication and Documentation
-was told repeatedly, training to be two months. Two month later when dog returned home, trainer was told of non-improvement. Only THEN, trainer said dog wasn’t "done" and needed more time. Lack of true progress reports needlessly created high expectations
-promised to send videos of training, none received
-dogs playing pics/videos isn’t “training”, got these.
-inappropriate updates, when asked directly about progress, trainer often responded with “high worded”, TBTE niche phrases, and without specifics. This was seemingly intentional to appease owners without real information. (mostly second month of training period) -

-only provided pics/documentation of one actual training behavior down, and one-person intro, herder trainer. also, one picture with a nearby child. 3 in 60 days

-unable to attend as many training sessions as prescribed when out of state.
-paid for additional online seminar training, and completed
-concern for dog and suspected lack of training, picked up before declared “complete”
-disregarded online review with similar complaints, learned this lesson the hard way
-didn’t inquire when another board/train dog was urgently picked up
-would never used trainer if we were aware, she had a small child in the home where training took place… never ever – Jett has a BITE history!!

REMOVE ALL JETTS PICS/VIDEOS FROM YOUR SITES: he is NOT an example of good training
$1500 restitution for lost funds from puppy purchase, a full refund of training would be more appropriate.
APOLOGY , accept responsibility
PROMISED months ago -video of actual training, shadow students. (Brittany stated it is in her “inbox”) disappointing there’s no time to hit “send” for a board and train customer. I am guessing at this point, it never existed.


training from Brittany Bauer Puppy Sense Tucson Arizona

Training between the Ears

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Day After "training"