I can’t say I am happy with our experience with you. In fact, I am very upset, angry and feel robbed. From your texts, we expected a dog to be just about complete in this program and "owner" training was all that was left. Jett is no where near complete and came home with HUGE issues he didn't have before your time with him.
I waited to see if I was overly emotional after getting Jett home, but I still feel this way now. It's not about you and us, it was all about Jett. Jett didn't benefit at all from being with you. Now, I wish I never brought him to you.
So to deal with this huge disappointment, I have written a detailed review of Jett’s board and train experience.
I think you are a good people trainer and probably do help other people with their dogs. And though, I feel the need to protect future dogs from going through what Jett did. But, I haven’t posted my review on ALL the popular online review spots. I don’t want to disrupted your business and family. However, I will send this review to my veterinarian and the trainers that referred you, and other unsatisfied customers. If asked, I will tell the facts.
I want you to understand of how much this impacted us.
AND, like you’ve done for other complaints, blaming us just isn’t going to fly… we are not the average dog owners.
You didn’t do justice with your time with Jett, I can CLEARLY see that now.
If you are honest with yourself, you would have to agree.
You didn’t take good care of Jett, either.
You should be embarrassed AND you should be ashamed.
AND, YOU gave us poor “professional” advice to proceed with buying a puppy. Without realistic progress reports, we were unaware that Jett was still aggressive upon return. We back out of the puppies and we lost more money. (tons of research for imprinting can be provided upon request) Personally, I still want to take this to court, but hubby just wants us to get past this ordeal. The jury is still out on that.
You should do ONE THING right, and make amends on your bad advice of proceeding with buying a puppy.-
I really wanted to see those videos of Jett’s training (shadow students) you promised months ago. But be honest, did they exist? -
-TBTE Videos: I would like to follow the program with Jett, I do see value in the process when implemented correctly. Having access to a much shorter version of the seminar for Hubby would be extremely helpful to Jett. You make it sound like your videos would be a shorter version of the seminar.
UPDATE: I finally did get a link to view these videos after months of asking. I can't say they are anywhere near a replacement or shorter version of the actual seminar. None of the real tools are represented. Also, I could see that the videos were up for an entire month before I asked again and got the link?? Just another example of non-professional actions.
Thx for your offer to continue the training and try to fix it, but after seeing the condition of my dog after being with you for 2 months, "I" would be negligent to bring him back to that environment.
This review is a list of actual observations, and are not up for discussion. Unless you are sending promised items, compensating me for your puppy blunder or taking responsibility and making an apology, I see no reason for further discussion.
For the sake of dogs and their owners, PROMISE yourself to do better… NOW!
$4000 "training"
$150 evaluation
$950 return flight + car for owner training
$400 return trip for owner training
$400 return trip to collect Jett, no training
$2100 lost on puppy and wasted/unusable dog sports equipment
$6875 total cost for misguided faith in unsuccessful training
(should have remolded my kitchen, I would have had something to show for it)
unknown upcoming costs:
$$?? cost for training for target behaviors
$$?? cost to fix behaviors created by boarding
$$$?? cost to marriage while defending trainer and being wrong
$$$$$?? cost of creating hope and failing